Testimonials for Face Doctor Products
“After suffering from exzema my entire life and trying several different products that either did nothing or made my skin worse I am so happy to have finally found something that works. I have been using Face Doctor soap for a couple of weeks and I cannot remember the last time my skin looked so good. I am definitely hooked on it. Thank you so much for this product.”
Goulden L
Edmonton, AB (Aug 08, 05)
“Through my Teenage Years I have had problems with Acne on my face; I have tried to use many different types of Creams and Medication. But it was to long of a process I was introduced to Face Doctor by one of my friends and I must say that it has been the best thing for my face. Within a week I could see how everything was clearing off my face and the more I used it the more my face improved within 2 weeks everything was all cleared up off my face and even with it all gone away, I still use it everyday. Face doctor not only makes my face get cleared up of acne, but it also makes your face feel nice and clean and fresh all the time, anyone struggling with Acne problems should very much consider using this product, because I can promise you that you won’t be let down by this. You will get your face all cleared up and feel fresh and clean.”
Sault Ste. Marie Ont. (July 19, 05)
“I really like your soap...it helped my skin when nothing else would. Every time I went to the dermatologist and came back with a prescription, it just made my skin worse each time. Within a few days of trying your product though, my skin is the best it has looked since I was a child.
My question is this...do you, or are you planning on having, a line of products for the body...such as a body wash or body lotion with the same ingredients? Also, would you ever consider having your products fragrance free...this is the only thing I don't like about your products is the perfume is strong. Thanks again for a great product”
Edmonton Alberta (July 11, 05)
“I wasn't sure that your soap would make a difference ...something made me take a chance. Within a couple of weeks of using the soap twice a day...my pinkish complexion began to smooth out and my skin was actually firmer and tighter. Over the next few months a miracle happened. My pores actually disappeared! I am counting the days until my soap arrives”
Betsy P.
Sarasota, FL
"Thanks for the soap. I always had peaches and cream skin. One day - gone - what a mess! I can't take antibiotics. Face Doctor Soap cleared me up in less than a week. I'm really glad I came across it."
Patricia V.
Spokane, WA
"The Face Doctor is a miracle soap. It is the first thing that I've ever tried that has worked. I just want you to know how wonderful the product is for me. I am 49 and have suffered with skin problems all my life!"
Laury G.
Voice mail message
“I wish I would have took a before and after picture, but I was a little skeptical that this would even work. You wouldn't believe the improvement!!! Considering the fact that I have been using a prescription cream, had facial laser, and tried just about every thing that you can think of to get rid of this redness. I have rosacea, and nothing seemed to work. My case was very extreme. It looked like I had a sunburn all the time. It never went away!! But after using your product (Face Doctor - Rejuvenating Soap) for just 7 days now the improvement is outstanding!!! The redness is reduced by half (A great achievement in itself) and improving more each day. I have freckles that I never knew I had 'cause I have never seen my true skin for 13 years!! I can't help myself every time I walk by a mirror. I just have to look!!!! Thank you so much, I will be recommending this to everyone I know. Thanks again.”
St. Catharines, Ontario
“I had a terrible rash on my chin and I had gone to several dermatologists; however, nothing they gave me would work. About two weeks after washing with your soap my rash went away!"
Phyllis R.
Albuquerque, NM
“I would like to express my appreciation for your wonderful beauty soap! I have been using this soap for 2 months & I am astonished with the lovely results! My complexion is the clearest & smoothest it has been in years! Keep up the excellent work!"
Peggy B.
Austin, TX
For the Face Doctor – complexion soap.
“Hello my name is John Killick, from Regina, Sask, Canada. This is the first item I have given an endorsement to anything. I feel quite qualified for this, as I have endured 2 laser treatments ,first one burned my face black, very painful I had to stay indoors for 2 weeks, when it healed there was some improvement, 2nd one was the Aurora treatment just an in & out done 3 times , still stings, still some improvement . Several months passed & I noticed that the redness & other marks had returned. After seeing the Doctor, I was informed that I was to come in 6 months for another treatment, this is to continue for as long as you are willing to comeback because it will never go away, the redness and other irritations, which one may have. This way of control seems too expensive & painful. Then I saw an ad on TV for the FaceDR complexion soap living in a small city it took several attempt to find a bar, and no one understood how it works, Tony explained everything and asked me to test this & report, good, bad or indifferent. 1st the price is about $22.00 but it’s a hard soap and last a long time.2nd the results are Fantastic. Lazer cannot touch the result of the soap. The cost by comparison is like buying of six bars for one laser treatment & we have to wash anyway & no pain. I notice the change in 8 days, even the skin that is not affected is clear soft. As we all have different problems it may affect each person different, but it works!! Anytime you have a question please call FaceDoctor’s toll free #he they will be happy to assist you in anyway. Thanks, you for reading this please try it.”
John Killick
Regina, Sask, Canada (Apr 2005)
"I am writing about Face Doctor Soap and to say 100 thank you's for making it. My face was as bad as the advertisement but before the end of the first bar it had changed to pure beauty. Everything you said it would do, happened and I love myself so much more!”
Diane S.
Traverse City, MI (September 10, 1998)
"I began using Face Dr Soap in July (2003) and almost immediately noticed a change in my skin. Being a rosacea sufferer for many years, I've tried all kinds of lotions, soaps and drugs on the market. Since using Face Dr and Face Surgeon soap there has been a remarkable difference in the look, feel and overall health of my skin. The condition of my rosacea has improved dramatically. I would recommend anyone to use Face Dr soap to improve their skin."
Suzanne Grittani
Toronto Canada (May 10, 04)
“I picked up your soap last Monday and have been using it for exactly 7 days now. I did indeed notice a change immediately and continued improvement every day since. It has made my skin smoother and the redness has faded and continues to fade more each day. The manner in which it works is different from the other products I have used, so I am quite satisfied that yours is an actual cure and not just another temporary measure. So thank you, thank you, and thank you! I feel better about myself already and my old self confidence is returning to me. Your product will be a very successful one, I should think. It certainly got my attention.”
Creston, BC (June 3, 04)
“Your product is incredible! I tried a bar of the Rejuvenating Soap and I saw a difference in the color of my skin in just a few days, and now, a few months later, my face is no longer red. And my skin feels soft, smooth and firm, and looks great.
The soap also had an unexpected side benefit. For the last 9 years I have spent thousands of dollars on doctors, medical tests, prescription creams and pills, and any over the counter remedy I saw, to clear up an ugly case of eczema on my hands and arms. I was very surprised to realize that after a couple of months, the eczema had healed on my hands from using the soap. So I started using it on my arms and there are no signs of eczema left.
I can't tell you how thrilled I am. Thank you for this wonderful product. I'm going to try a few more of the items in your line.”
M Hedberg
Naugatuck, CT (June 28, 05)
“Hello! I purchased the rejuvenating soap. I believe it works, as my forehead is now smooth after 15 yiears of having little bumps under the skin, and also loosing both eyebrows and hair. I am experiencing what I perceive as a MIRACLE; and I want the good results
to continue!!!”
Eileen Pemrick
Ont. Canada (July 7, 05)
“Your Face Doctor Soap is truly miraculous. I have the most sensitive skin and your soap has made a huge difference. “
BJ Nendze
Edmonton Alberta (July 11, 05)
“I am a fifty year old woman that has been plagued with acne since I was twelve years old. Most of my life I have been depressed beyond being consoled at times because I have spent a fortune on doctors and potions and medications. None of them worked. I came across an advertisement only six days ago.....I had never heard of this product or have seen an advertisement up until this time. Since I have tried everything on the market and then some.....and at present have had a devastating outbreak...I had nothing to loose by trying one more thing. I could kiss the people that developed this soap. For one thing...I have never been able to talerate soap on my face. This soap is fantastic feeling on the skin and afterwards. It is not drying in the least. And I have the world's most sensitive skin. There was a marked improvement over night with the very first use of the soap.....by day three the open lesions had approximately 50% healed. Today is the sixth day and I am jumping for joy I am so excited and ecstatic. This IS literally a miracle product. What were open lesions that have not healed for almost two months straight ( this time)....my face is glowing pink and the lesions and spots are 95% gone...in only six days! ( Kind of reminds you of the work of "God" in six days!!!) Why couldn't I have found this product years ago......my life would have been totally different. However, I am more than grateful for finding it now. For those responsible for developing this product....I will never be able to thank you enough. If anyone is at their wits end with a never ending cycle of acne..........you simply must try this soap....the miracle will happen before your very eyes as you get up and look in the mirror each morning. I am so grateful....thank you!”
Washington (July18, 06)
“I have been using the Face Doctor Complexion soap for the past two years and my skin has never looked or felt better. The soap moisturizes and tones my face perfectly, while cleansing away any dirt and oil residues. It is an amazing product!”
Texas (July 12, 06)
“Hello, My name is Deanna and I have been using your Rejuvenating Soap for a little over a week for my rosacea. I cannot believe how quickly this stuff works! I was looking online a couple of weeks ago for rosacea treatments, as I have had this condition for at least five years, though it has never been diagnosed. It has steadily gotten worse in the past couple of years. I thought it was just coming from stress and I never sought treatment for it. But lately it has become downright embarrassing. I was having to reapply my makeup several times throughout the day to cover the redness on my nose, cheeks and chin ... so I was spending more in makeup too! Just from reading the research news section of your website, I knew that rosacea was my problem.
I had never heard anything about the cause of rosacea ... and I must say I was quite disgusted! I couldn't order your soap fast enough! All I could think about were these little creatures living on my face! Ididn't know I could have gotten a free bar for asking (any chance I could get that now that I have already tried it?) and I have been using it twice a day ever since. The first thing that impressed me was the wonderful fresh smell!
I started using the soap on a Saturday night and the very next next morning, I noticed that all of the scaly patches on my face were completely gone already! As I have continued to use it, the redness is fading a little more each day.
I am thrilled with my results! I tell everyone about your soap, which is why I am writing. I would like to promote your product. Do you have an affiliate program or anything? More people have got to hear about this amazing product!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Regardless, thank you so much for this product! You have changed my life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
Deanna Barnes
US (Feb 8, 06)
For several years during the summer, I would get a skin rash above my lip that didn't want to heal. This year, it did not go away at the end of summer and actually seemed to be worse. After trying the FaceDoctor Rejuvenating Soap in conjunction with the Face Doctor Beauty Cream, it has almost disappeared with less than 2 weeks of use! I am amazed by the results and pleased that I have avoided an inconvenient and expensive trip to a dermatologist. THANK YOU.
Florida (12/30/05)
“Everyone at one point or another has struggled with Acne, especially throughout there Teenage years. Doctors has struggled to come up with a product that could help acne disappear quick and not leave any marks on your skin. I have tried to use many different face products for my face throughout the years. I have gone from prescription medicine to even one of the biggest products that is put all over the Television "Proactive." I have found that proactive is a product that works but not so quick but also there are so many things you must apply to your face that I found it takes up to much time. I came into contact with "Facedoctor" through a friend of mine who recommended me to try it and promised me that within 1 week I would notice how my face would clear up. Once I applied it through that week I could honestly say that I was amazed how well this Soap had worked on my face, within 1 week my face had all cleared up and any scars i had from razor burn or scars from the acne had disappeared. FaceDoctor soap is amazing and simple; you don't have to apply 5 different things. It so easy to put on and wash off. I can tell you first hand that this profuct properly used can change someone’s acne problem entirely. In a matter of a week you can notice just how much your skin feels more healthy and more clean and fresh. If anyone uses this medication on a daily basis i can promise you that you will never again have a struggle with Acne on your face. Your skin will improve and you will have healthy and clean skin. I have been a frequent user of this product and I have not been disappointed. I would honestly recommend it to any one who struggles from acne problems, even for anyone that doesn't it is a great product that keeps your skin feeling clean, clear and fresh all the time after usage. "Facedoctor is a an amazing product to use and I will continue to use it, and I recommend anyone else with acne to try it out because you will not be disappointed.“
Steve G
Elliot Lake Ont (Aug 23, 05)
“Hello, I have been using the soap and face cream for about 7 or 8 months now. I have rosacea and, since I have been using the soap, I have been able to stop using prescription creams that I used to need. I have very sensitive skin and I've had no adverse reaction to this product. I am surprised, especially since the last batch of cream that I ordered has a very strong fragrance! I usually am allergic to any fragrance and I haven't had a reaction to the cream, but it was definitely a change from the first container that I ordered. I liked it better with less fragrance, however.
Most important, though, is the incredible change in my 10 year old daughter's skin. She had several areas of open sores on her face. A dermatologist had diagnosed her as having non-specific excema and possibly some impetigo. She was given a combination prescription with steroids in it. The prescription cream took away the sores but within a couple of weeks they came back. It was awful and I didn't want my 10 year old to start having to constantly use a steroid cream. I decided to let her try my soap and cream and within days her skin was beautiful and clear. She has now been using it for several months and she has remained clear except for a sore that developed around her nostril. We realized that she was not washing that area carefully enough. After she made sure she was washing well around her nose, that sore cleared up and has not returned. The soap and cream really are tremendous.”
D. O'Rourke
Toronto Canada (Aug 30, 05)
“Hi, I want to say thank you for giving me my face back. I am in my 30's and I have always taken care of my face. About a year ago I thought I was getting adult acne.... I went to the best DR.'s all over California. I tried EVERTHING money could buy. I was so embarrassed, I did not want my family and friends to see me this way. Amazingly, I found the soap on the internet and within two days of use, I started to see my FACE, it is beautiful again. I can send you before and after if you would like. I have many photos from top dermatologist.
Thank You.”
Dionne Merlino
CA / US (Nov 23, 05)
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