Seabuckthorn Oil / Seabuckthorn Seed Oil
Overview on Seabuckthorn
Medicinal Properties of Seabuckthorn
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Overview on Seabuckthorn
Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is a deciduous shrub with yellow to orange small berries. It is a thorny shrub native to Eastern Europe and Asia. It is a well recognized source of traditional herbal medicines and modern vitamins and nutrients. The relatively recent interest in Seabuckthorn production is due to the fact that the berries are among the most nutritious and vitamin-rich fruits found. The berry can contain up to ten different vitamins as well as trace elements, fruit acid, sugar and oil. It is rich in proteins, and contains up to 18 amino acids. There are over 24 chemical elements present in the juice, including calcium, iron, and manganese. Seabuckthron is also called as Shaji (Chinese), Duindoorn (Dutch), Sanddorn (German), Olivello Spinoso (Italian), Oblepicha (Russian), Tyrni (Finnish), Espino de Mar, Falso Espino, Espino Amarillo (Spanish), and Havtorn (Swedish and Danish). The juice of the berries can be used to make juice but all parts - bark, leaves, fruits and seeds can be used for the production of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals products. Seabuckthorn Oil is produced from the fruits and seeds. The flavonoids of Seabuckthorn (mainly from fruit pulp and leaves) and the oils of Seabuckthorn (in the seeds and fleshy part of the fruit) are the two constituents specially extracted for medicinal use. It has been used around the world in anti-aging and medicinal skin care products and dietary supplements with nourishing revitalizing, and restorative action. Seabuckthorn oil is applied to promote the healing of skin injuries, such as burns, sores, wounds, eczema and help improve conditions of mucous membranes, including ulcers, lesions and erosions. Due to the high content of nutrients essential for the metabolism of skin cells, Seabuckthorn oil is used to combats wrinkles, dryness and other symptoms of malnourished or prematurely aging skin. It is also taken to improve the conditions of the mucous membranes of gastro-intestinal tract and as a natural dietary supplement. ( Click here to learn more about Seabuckthorn)
~The most exciting plant in the botanical world today- No other plant contains such a wealth of health enhancing compounds as does Seabuckthorn~
Historical Background of Seabuckthorn
It is beleived that the ancient Greeks used Seabuckthorn leaves in a diet for race horses and given a botanical name "Hippophae" - a shiny horse. Various clinical trials and scientific studies conducted during the 20th century in several countries confirm medicinal and nutritional value of Seabuckthorn.
The references to medicinal use of Seabuckthorn were found in the Ancient Greek texts attributed to Theophrastus and Dioskorid and in classic Tibetan medicinal texts, including "the RGyud Bzi" (The Four Books of Pharmacopoeia) dated to the times of Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). Herbal remedies obtained from Seabuckthorn were traditionally used for the treatment of diseases of skin and digestive system. Application of Seabuckthorn Oil to promote the recuperation of skin injuries and treat skin diseases well agrees with the data of modern clinical trials and laboratory studies. Medicinal value of Seabuckthorn Oil is associated with its apparent ability to promote the regeneration of the skin and mucous. At the present time Sea Buckthorn medicines are used in many countries to promote the recovery of various skin conditions, including burns, ulcers, bad healing wounds, skin damaging effects of sun, therapeutic radiation treatment and cosmetic laser surgery. T
Seabuckthorn is a traditional medicinal plant in many European and Asian countries. The berries have been used for more than 1,000 years in Tibetan and Indian systems of medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, it has been used to aid digestion and treat cough, circulatory disorders, and pain.
Medicinal Properties of Seabuckthorn
Numerous pharmacological effects of Seabuckthron are documented in the scientific literature. They include antimicrobial, antiulcerogenic, antioxidant, anticancer, radioprotective activity, platelet aggregation, liver injury, cardiovascular risk factors, and effects on skin and mucosa.
Strong antioxidant network
Reduces inflammation
Cellular Rejuvenation
Improves cardiovascular health
Improves brain and nervous system function
Natural energy booster
Helps repair scald and wound burns
Improves nervous system health
Improves skin complexion, anti-acne
Support Healthy Gum
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Active Constituents: Phytochemicals - Flavonoids, Carotenoids, Phytosterols. Seabuckthorn berries have very high levels of vitamin A and other carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E and flavonoids. They are also rich in vitamins B1, B2, Potasium and Phosphorus.
Seabuckthorn is most frequently used for the treatment of diseases of skin and digestive tract. The most important properties of Seabuckthorn are anti-inflammatory, anti-microbiological, pain relief and the promotion of tissue regeneration. Seabuckthorn oil is also used to treat vaginal mucositis, cervical erosion, radiation damage, burn, ulcers, skin damage and mucositis.
Skin Care Remedy: Seabuckthorn is a cosmetic aid with nourishing and revitalizing action. It promotes healing of skin injuries such as burns, sunburns, wounds, eczema and helps combat wrinkles and dry or malnourished and prematurely aging skin.
Antioxidation: Maintains membrane structure and functions
Chemical Intoxication: Protects heart and liver against chemical-induced damage; suppresses lipid peroxidation and maintain the normal functions of the cells.
Immune Function: Antagonizes the effects of the immune suppressor; improves specific and nonspecific immune functions; alleviates the immune suppression caused by chemotherapy of cancer patients.
Cardiovascular Disease: Decreases the levels of plasma total cholesterol and triacylglycerols and increases plasma HDL-cholesterol level; inhibits platelet aggregation; retards formation of sclerosis and thrombus.
Skin: Speeds up healing of burns; promotes tissue regeneration; remedies irradiation dermatitis; anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects; improves fatty acid composition of plasma lipids and symptoms of topic dermatitis.
Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers: Protective and remedial effects on experimental gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Cervicitis: Remedial effect of topically applied oil on cervicitis; anti-inflammatory effects.
Cancer: Antimutagenic effects; inhibitive effect on growth of tumor cells.
Seabuckthorn in the News & Articles!
The First International Seabuckthorn Association (ISA) Conference, which was also the Seventh Symposium on International Seabuckthorn, was held in Berlin, Germany from Sep 12 to 23, 2003. Read more...
The 2nd International Seabuckthorn Association Conference, ISA2005, was held on August 26-29, 2005 in Beijing, China. The conference focused on "Seabuckthorn - A Multi-Purposes Plant, Solution to Nutrition, and Health and Environment". Read more...
The 3rd International Seabuckthorn Association Conference was held in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada from August 12 to 17, 2007. The topic of the Conference was "Promoting Seabuckthorn Industry Worldwide-Opportunities and Challenges".
"Berry juice may be a heart tonic"~ BBC News "...Sea buckthorn is a known source of cholesterol-lowering compounds which could prevent clogging of the arteries". Read more...
Sea Buckthorn: New Crop Opportunity- by Thomas S.C. Li. Read more...
The medicinal research and development of seabuckthorn- by Xu Mingyu, Sun Xiaoxuan, Cui Jinhua Read more...
SEABUCKTHORN ... SYNONYMOUS WITH BEAUTIFUL SKIN- An Internal and Topical Approach -by Susan McLoughlin (The President of Seabuckthorn International Inc. Peachland, BC Canada) Read more...
Chinese researchers are interested especially in co-operation with the Himalayan countries in seabuckthorn plantation, to enlarge the resource base and to strengthen seabuckthorn's role in soil and water conservation globally. Read more...
ACNE AND SEABUCKTHORN -by Seabuckthorn International Inc.
Other resources for seabuckthorn research.
Story of Change
Harvesting Seabuckthorn at the Top of the World- A sustainable program to harvest Seabuckthorn and create products for local and international markets, thereby improving livelihoods and safeguarding traditional knowledge of medicinal plants and the biodiversity of Nepal.
An award-winning initiative in Nepal cultivates and markets the versatile Seabuckthorn berry, protecting traditional Tibetan knowledge and creating livelihoods for local people.
Seabuckthorn Products on the Market
Sea Buckthorn Oil By SeabuckWonders.(120 softgels/bottle)- Made of wild Seabuckthorn Oil (seed and fruit oil), this product cotains more than 160 nutrients including essential fatty acids including linolenic acid (Omega 3), linoleic acid (Omega 6), palmitoleic acid (Omega 7) and oleic acid (Omega 9), carotenoids, flavonoids, phytosterols, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, K, P, trace elements, etc. Their synergtic effects include cell and cell membrane protection and nurturing, microcirculation enhancement, anti-oxidation, anti-radiation, UV blocking, etc. It is used widely for skin, urinary, cervical, peptic, duodenal health both inernally and externally.
Seabuckthorn Seed Oil - Organic By SeabuckWonders (30ml / 1 oz.)- A Rich Natural Remedies
Seabuckthorn Berry Oil - Organic By SeabuckWonders. (50 grams /bottle)- It is used widely for skin, urinary, cervical, peptic, duodenal health both inernally and externally.
Seabuckthorn Body Oil- By Weleda- Replenishes moisture to the skin; Intensely cares for dry, parched skin; Nutrient-rich formula - made up of essential fatty acides and vitamins A, C & E; Beneficial for use after sun exposure; Fresh and fruity scent
Sea Buckthorn & Cucumber with Ester-CŪ Moisturizing Cream- By Aubrey Organics - Silky-smooth daytime moisturizer offers antioxidant protection and invigorates dull, dry skin on contact.
Sea Buckthorn & Cucumber with Ester-CŪ Facial Cleansing Cream- By Aubrey Organics - Clears away makeup residue and impurities with a protein-enriched castile soap base.
Sea Buckthorn & Cucumber with Ester-CŪ Moisturizing Mask- By Aubrey Organics - Refreshing cucumber mask helps revitalize and hydrate skin with a nutrient-rich blend of organic sea buckthorn oil and Ester-CŪ.
Sea Buckthorn with Ester-CŪ Antioxidant Serum- By Aubrey Organics - Antioxidant-rich blend of herbal oils nourishes dry skin on contact and helps reduce the formation of free radicals.
Sea Buckthorn with Ester-CŪ Nourishing Hand & Body Lotion- By Aubrey Organics - This silky, hydrating lotion is comfort food for dry skin. Antioxidant-rich sea buckthorn oil comes together with Ester-CŪ, a long-lasting form of vitamin C, to nourish your skin, protect it from free-radical damage, and restore its natural moisture balance.
Sea Buckthorn & Cucumber with Ester-CŪ Facial Toner- By Aubrey Organics - Mild, refreshing toner removes makeup residue and impurities and soothes and conditions skin
Herbal Beauty Cream- By Aubrey Organics - This cream acts as a moisturizer and has the same active ingredient found on the soap. It's like having the treatment on your face all day.
Seabuckthorn Seed Oil- By Rich Nature- Improves cholesterol profit and heart conditions; anti-oxidation and balancing immune system.
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Why do we need Anti-oxidants?
Smoking, drinking alcohol, exposure to environmental pollutants, and also exposure to ultraviolet light or nuclear radiation can all trigger the production of "free radicals" on the skin's surface, or inside the body. Free radicals are very simple compounds of oxygen, in which the innocent molecule has acquired an extra electron. Free radicals are very reactive particles and they aggressively attack all the surrounding molecules within the cell. The attacked molecules are oxidized, becoming structurally damaged and even making them toxic for the body. Vitamins with antioxidant properties form a natural line of defense against free radicals; they "catch" free radicals and neutralize them. These anti-oxidant vitamins, all present in Seabuckthorn Oil, are vitamin A (derived from -carotene), vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E (-tocopherol).
Sea buckthorn has been shown to have a potent antioxidant activity, mainly attributed to its flavonoids and vitamin C content. Both the flavonoids and the oils from Seabuckthorn have several potential applications.
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Overview on Seabuckthorn
Medicinal Properties of Seabuckthorn
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Research Articles and News on Seabuckthorn
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