Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD Or ADHD)

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD or ADD) is a metabolic dysfunction of the central nervous system (CNS) which results in difficulties in maintaining attention and concentration. The children may be often out of control, under or over stimulated, experience uncontrolled stimulation patterns, exhibit behavioral patterns and difficulties in learning and memory. Reticular activating system of the CNS supplies the appropriate neural connections necessary for smooth information processing and clear, non-stressful attention. When there is a condition of lacking of neural building materials, demand for further connectivity cannot be e fulfilled, which hinders the efficient processing of information and thus lead to ADDH. It is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood and can continue through life long.

The exact causes of ADHD are still unknown, although it has biological origin. Some recent researches have hinted that genetic and environmental cause, smoking during pregnancy, premature delivery, injuries to brain at birth, etc could be the possible risk factors for the ADDH. It has also been suggested that ADDH could be the result of a nutritional problem. According to The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR); it is estimated that 3-7% of children are suffering from ADHD in the USA. The most common disorders which occur with ADHD are disruptive behavior disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders and learning disabilities.


The symptoms in ADDH can be categorized into three parts.
Predominantly inattentive type: It is characterized with difficulty to sort out or finish a task, to pay attention to any details, or to follow instructions. Inabilities to pay attention to details, apparent listening problems, distractibility are some other symptoms.
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type: The person becomes restless, talks more, or irresponsible. In addition, difficulty in remaining seated and playing quietly, blurting out answers before hearing the full question, excessive running are other cases.
Combined type: Symptoms of above two can be equally predominant in one.
Some of the common characteristics of ADDH can be outlined as followings:

  • Gives up easily on tasks, assignments and self-interests.
  • Poor reality testing skills and avoidant of reason or logic.
  • Poorly developed skills of integration, interpolation and extrapolation.
  • Poor skills of attention and concentration, unable to sustain focus of interest.
  • Difficulties in short term and long term memory acquisition and management.
  • Difficulty in making up their mind, or making choices without undue anxiety.
  • Poor planning abilities, unable to follow through consistently or complete tasks.
  • Difficulty in differentiating between competing, extraneous stimulation.
  • Easily distracted from tasks, conversations or social interactions.
  • Often over-stimulated and over-sensitized to their surroundings.
  • Poor listening skills, often interrupts others, abruptly changes topic.
  • Overly excitable, reactive and easily perseverating from one situation to another.
  • Inability to manage emotional responses, temper tantrums.
  • Easily frustrated, emotionally labile/unstable leading to immediate changeable moods and behavioral inconsistencies.
  • Often hyperactive, fidgety, overwhelmed with feelings of restlessness.
  • Inability to maintain appropriate social conduct, often disruptive in school.
  • Experiences difficulty in following instructions and guidance.
  • Impatient, continuing difficulties in delaying gratification.
  • Overly demanding may become self-destructive and aggressive.
  • Poor sleep patterns, often not rested, angry or despondent upon rising.

ADHD can’t be cured at all but it can be well managed with various medications and therapies. The treatment goal in ADHD is focused on reducing hyperactivity, and restlessness and improvement in concentration, alertness, memory and attention. The treatment approaches can be medication, behavior modification therapy or combination of both. CNS stimulants, non-stimulant and antidepressant drugs are commonly used.

On the other side, natural remedies are now extensively used for the effective treatment and to reach a state of equilibrium and good health. Usage of homeopathics formula, multivitamins, body treatments, diet manipulation, nutritional supplements and herbal therapies are the alternative remedies in ADD/ADHD.

Homeopathics Formula combines homeopathics, along with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbal medicine can improve inattention, impulsivity, and motor restlessness. The formula called Attend . It contains a list of over 70 natural ingredients to help support the function of the Central Nervous System (CNS) of individuals who are inclined to be inattentive, under- and/or overactive and perhaps learning impaired, enabling the body to balance both neural growth and neurotransmitter production within the Brain and Central Nervous System.

Dietary therapy mainly focuses on a nutritional plan. Similarly, herbal therapy makes use of variety of herbal extracts.
Gingko (Gingko biloba), passionflower (Passiflora incarnate) and Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) are popular names in herbal therapy for memory and mental sharpness and calmness. Gingko brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Nutritional therapy is another important factor for the treatment of ADHD. B Vitamins are good for healing to stressed-out nerves. Similarly Vitamin C is also useful. Daily supplementation of Phosphatidylserine has shown improvement in attention and learning. Phosphatidylserine is a naturally occurring substance found in high concentrations in brain cells, which helps brain cells functioning properly.

Aromatherapy gives relaxing complement, for which chamomile, lavender, or sandalwood is effective. Besides medication and natural treatments, there are various measures that can be useful to cope with ADHD, like encouraging children to play or exercise in the fresh air, behavioral changes, family training, etc.

Click here to purchase Attend or our herbal remedies


  1. James F.Balch, Mark Stengler. Prescription for Natural Cures. Johnson Wiley & Sons, Inc. New Jersey.pp68-74. 2004
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A (
  4. DiScala, C., et al. "Injuries to Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder," Pediatrics, December 1998, 102(6):1415-1421.
  5. J.M.Swanson, N.Volkow. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic properties of stimulants: Implications for the design of new treatment for ADHD.University of California, US. 1999.
  11. National Institute of Mental Health (

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