How To Stay Away From Prostate Cancer?
By Tao Newsletter
How to stay away from prostate cancer?
The prostate is one of the male sex glands located at the base of the bladder that surrounds the urethra. It is a part of the male reproductive system. The prostate gland produces a fluid called as prostatic fluid that mixes with sperm and other fluids during ejaculation which nourishes and transport the sperms. The prostate is like a size of walnut and divided into two parts, left and right lobes.
Prostate cancer is a type of cancer of the prostate gland in men characterized by a group of abnormal cells. There are two forms of prostate cancer. The hormone-dependent form is linked to the male sex hormone testosterone and improves when levels of the hormone are reduced. The hormone-independent form continues to progress even when testosterone levels are low. According to Prostate Cancer Foundation, it is estimated that there are more than 2 million American men currently living with
prostate cancer. It is the most common cancer among American men today and African American men are at higher risk of developing the disease.
Causes and Risk Factors
The exact causes of prostate cancer are not clear. However, researches show that there are various factors playing their role such as diet, environment, heredity, ethnicity, etc. Some of the known risk factors are as followings:
Age: The risk of prostate cancer increases with age and it increases dramatically after age of 50. .
Race or ethnicity: For some instance, African American men have a higher risk of developing of prostate cancer.
Diet: Fatty diet and obesity can increase the risk of prostate cancer.
Family history: A person with a first-degree relative (brother, father) with the disease is at an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.
Vasectomy: There is found to increase the risk of prostate cancer with a man who has had a vasectomy.
High level of testosterone: As the testosterone stimulates growth of the prostate gland, there is a higher chance of prostate cancer to a man who have high levels of testosterone.
Prostate cancer is a slow growing cancer and often presents no symptoms until it reaches advanced stages or spreads outside the prostate gland. Some of the possible signs and symptoms include as followings:
- Difficulties starting to urinate
- Frequent urination
- Pain or burning during urination
- Bloody urine or Pus in urine
- Feeling of incomplete empting of the bladder
- Lower back pain & Pelvic discomfort
- Pain with ejaculation
Conventional Treatment and Alternative Treatment
The conventional treatment options may include radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, cryptotherapy or surgery to remove prostate gland. Hormone therapy either makes use of drugs to stop body system producing testosterone or involves surgery to remove testicles.
Alternative therapies like herbal remedy, detoxification, homeopathy, and dietary and nutritional supplements are found to be effective in pain management, symptomatic relief, or preventing prostate enlarge.
A wide variety of dietary supplements and herbal medicines offers new ways to support or improve prostate health. The researchers from the University of California in San Francisco have made conclusion that herbal remedy has been shown to provide real benefit to men suffering from prostate cancer.
- Therapeutic Foods: Consumption of vegetables and fruit high in Vitamin E and Vitamin C or Selenium, tomato juice, watermelon, carrots, and beets(rich in carotenoids) and garlic are helpful to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
- Herbal remedies: Herbal products to relieve prostate problems include Lycopene, Saw palmetto (one kind of the african plum tree), stinging nettle (Urtica dioica, Urtica urens), african wild potato (Hypoxis rooperi), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), rye grass (Secale cereale), etc.
Lycopene, a carotenoid, is believed to be good for the prostate. The antioxidant activity of lycopene is helpful in reversing the malignant process on prostate cancer. Intake of carotenoids and retinol is beneficial to the prostate cancer.
Lycopene's biological significance in the human defense system is supported by the fact that Lycopene is present naturally in human plasma in greater amounts than other dietary carotenoids.
Saw palmetto (Seronoa repens) has been effectively used as therapeutic herbal treatment for the prostate as it helps in reduction in prostate enlargement and inflammation. It contains a number of beneficial compounds, including flavonoids, sterols and fatty acids that can prevent the conversion of testosterone to dihydortestosterone which helps to prevent the development of prostate disease.
Pygeum africanum, a tropical African evergreen tree, help to control prostate inflammation.
Stinging Nettle root: To inhibit the proliferation of prostate cells in response to estrogen and sex hormone binding globulin. Nettles root extracts prevent the estrogen-induced amplification of the androgen signal which promotes prostate disease.
Flower Pollen Extract: Have a positive effect to reduce prostate inflammation. Promotes healthy urine flow and helps maintain normal prostate cell function.
- Detoxification : The prostate gland is highly sensitive to environmental and dietary toxins. To flush waste out of the prostate, detoxification is a better option.
Modified Citrus Pectin: MCP shows promise in chelating toxic heavy metals that can be so damaging to overall health. It has a binding affinity for mutated cells (such as cancer cells) and may potentially inhibit their ability to attach to other parts of the body. It's cancer-fighting potential may arise from its ability to interact with specialized proteins called galectins. Scientists believe that MCP may help fight prostate cancers by binding with galectin-3, a receptor of cancer cells, to help decrease cancer cell aggregation, adhesion, and metastasis.
- Dietary and Nutritional Supplements: Oral supplements for the prostate cancer include vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids. Selenium and Zinc, Vitamin D, Green Tea, GLA...
Selenium and Zinc supplement can be regarded as important supplements in the prostate cancer.
Gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) found in primrose, black currant, and borage oil, may also help soothe the inflamed prostate.
Green Tea contains ECGC act as a powerful antioxidant.
- Prostate Cancer Foundation, USA (http://www.prostatecancerfoundation.org/)
- http://familydoctor.org
- http://www.prostate.com/prostatecancer/
- National Cancer Society, USA (www.cancer.gov)
- http://www.prostateinfo.com
- http://www.mayoclinic.com
- Dr. Eliaz http://www.dreliaz.org/
- Johnston L. (2001) Natural Prostate Health. Paraplegia News.
- Schachter M. (1996). Alternative Approaches to Prostate Cancer (http://www.healthy.net)
- Dealing with the prostate, Ronald Hoffman, M.D., CNS (tp://www.drhoffman.com/page.cfm/199)
Edit By Thomas G. Guilliams Ph.D. (http://www.drhoffman.com/page.cfm/1996)
- BBC news on Herbal remedy combats prostate cancer. Adapted on 27 October 2000 (http://www.news.bbc.co.uk)
- Prostate Cancer Research Institute, USA (http://www.pcri.org)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostate_cancer