Are you aware that there are roughly 5 million hernia sufferers in the US, yet there is no medication available? The only recognized treatment is an invasive surgical procedure. Only 700,000 hernia sufferers choose to have surgery, because the surgery is both costly and painful. Others (which may include your friends) just suffer silently and waiting for a cure to emerge.
The good news is now we have a 100% natural herbal remedy Hawthornia to relieve (non-hiatal) hernia symptoms. Hawthornia is a 100% natural herbal formula well proven in China to be very effective for hernia and other related problems caused by general weakness or over-exercises.
Testimonials and Article on Hawthornia
Hawthornia relieves most symptoms of groin, femoral and inguinal hernias, and some of umbilical hernia. It works on the principle to strengthen the support muscles for internal organs, such as intestine, so that the organs won't fall through any hole or opening in the body diaphragm. Of course, it works best when little symptoms have been felt, if the lump becomes too big, and symptoms remain after 2 bottles of Hawthornia, you may need an operation to seal the opening first. Then take Hawthornia also help to prevent symptoms happen on the other side of your lower abdomen.
Usually after taking Hawthornia for only a few days, the symptoms are lessened, then you can stop taking Hawthornia, or only take low dosages (as 1-2 capsules per day) to maintain muscle strength, or only when the symptoms come back again. People under 12 should take half the dosage suggested on the bottle.
Suggested Use:
Take 2 capsules three times day. For best results, take before meals.
Do Not Take Hawthornis with stomach ulcer or in high fever.
Each bottle contains 60 capsules of 500 mg standard herbal extract. Manufactured and bottled by an FDA approved GMP factory in California, USA.
1. What is Hawthornia made of?
The 4 major ingredients are hawthorn, fennel, citrus seed, and litchi seed. With a speical process these natural herbs are combined together to produce the magic effect on the strengthening of lower abdominal organ support muscles.
2. How does Hawthornia work?
The herbs work synergically to strengthen the organ support muscles and tissues in the lower abs, so that the organs, including intestines, will go back to stay in their original positions, the they won't fall into any opening on the body wall. Thus the symptoms of hernias disappear.
3. How many bottles are needed to remedy one's problem?
It varies depending on individual's conditions, usually one bottle is enough. Serious cases may need two or more bottles. If after 2 bottles, symptoms have not improved, one definitely needs surgery. But this is a seldom occurrence, unless one had a surgery before taking Hawthornia. Although Hawthornia can prevent the same organ falling to the other side of abs, it cannot heal the wounds caused by the surgery. Therefore, early usage of Hawthornia is recommended, it may negate a surgery.
4. How does one know one has a hernia?
Although it is easy to feel, we recommend one should consult a doctor to confirm. If the doctor suggests a surgery, try Hawthornia first. This herbal remedy has been widely used in China with no side effects.
Hawthornia Testimonials
Age: 75
Occupation: Offshore oil and gas facility engineer
“My harsh working environment caused hernias that plagued me for over 10 years�[after] taking a single dosage of one teaspoon of Hawthornia [powder] for several days, the limping ball under my groin was gone.�
Age: 18
Occupation: college student
“I had been squatting a few days earlier and soon I felt pain that extended from my lower abs to my groin. After 3 days of using Hawthornia, my symptoms were gone and I could resume weightlifting.�
Age: 16
Occupation: high school student
after training for San Show, a type of full contact kickboxing, I felt a sharp stab of pain under my groin area?A single dosage of 1 teaspoon of Hawthornia caused my hernia [symptoms] to recede almost immediately.�
Artical:(Publish on The Traditional Chinese Reporter)
Is There an Alternative
for Hernia Surgeries?
If you don't
think there is help for hernias, you don't know
about Magi-Herbs Hawthornia formula.
when pains or cramps occur in
the lower abdominal area, it
may be a sign of a hernia or
other muscle discomfort and weakness.
Some five million people suffer from
hernias in the United States. Especially
vulnerable are athletes, persons who do
heavy lifting and those who are obese
in the abdominal area. While surgery is
a last resort and can be life-saving in
acute situations, many doctors simply
send their patients home without doing
anything more than telling them to
avoid heavy lifting or other activities
that could aggravate their condition.
A hernia is a weakness or defect in
the abdominal wall. It may be present
from birth, or develop over a period of
time. If the defect is large enough,
abdominal contents such as the bowels
might protrude through the defect, causing
a lump or bulge felt by the patient.
Hernias develop at certain sites that
have a natural tendency to be weak,
such as the groin, umbilicus (belly button),
and previous surgical incisions.
Once a hernia has developed, it will
tend to enlarge and cause discomfort. If
a loop of bowel gets caught in the hernia,
it may become obstructed or its
blood supply may be cut off. This could
then become a life-threatening situation.
Since hernias can be repaired
effectively and with minimal risk, most
surgeons therefore recommend that a
hernia be repaired when diagnosed,
unless there is a serious medical problem
that makes it too risky.
Since there are generally no medications
for hernias, the standard
method of hernia repair involves making
an incision in the abdominal wall.
Normal healthy tissues are cut until
the area of weakness is found. This
area, the hernia, is then repaired with
sutures. In the more advanced laparoscopic
repair method, the defect in the
abdominal wall is repaired from the
inside of the abdominal cavity. Instead
of closing or patching the repair from
the outside, the patch is secured in
place from the inside. This eliminates
the necessity of cutting the skin and
normal tissues to get down to and
repair the hernia. Often a prosthetic
material, such as Gore-Tex or another
plastic material, is sutured in place to
strengthen the area of weakness.
Hawthornia is an all-natural Traditional
Chinese Medicine herbal formula well
proven to be effective in relieving hernias
(except hiatus hernia) and other related
symptoms caused by general Qi weakness
or straining. Hawthornia relieves most
symptoms of groin, femoral, and
inguinal hernias, and some umbilical
hernias, especially in the early stage of
occurrence. It is also helpful to persons
who have undergone hernia surgery.
The 11 ingredients in this traditional
herbal mixture are hawthorn, fennel,
citrus seed, litchi seed, Chinaberry
fruit, peach kernel, corydalis tuber,
three-nerved spicebush, nutgrass
flatsedge, kelp, and oriental water plantain.
With a special process, these natural
herbs are combined together to
produce the synergistic effect associated
with TCM formulas, to improve Qi and
to strengthen the lower abdominal organ
support muscles and tendons so that the
organs, including the intestines, will be
uplifted back to their original positions.
Thus, they won't fall into any opening in
the body wall and the symptoms of hernias
are relieved. This herbal remedy has
been safely used in China for hundreds of
years with no side effects.
"I AM A MOVING WORKER, and my job requires me to do heavy lifting all the time,"says Eric*, age 50, a typical hernia sufferer. "Years ago, I developed
a small hernia in the groin area. No matter what I tried, the problem
did not go away for months. It was later confirmed by a doctor as hernia in
the early stages. I was told we have no Western medications for hernias,
only surgery." Such was the severity of his hernia that he was in danger of
having to find new work. Eric continues, "I learned about Hawthornia
through a magazine. I used it for seven days and all of my problems disappeared.
It was amazing. I stopped using it after that. Later, after some heavy lifting, the problem
recurred. I used Hawthornia again, and the problem went away. Now I can keep my job
without problems, thanks to Hawthornia."
EIGHTEEN-YEAR OLD DAVID* WAS DOING SQUATS (a weight-lifting exercise
that involves heavy quadriceps lifting) under extra-heavy loads. Some days, he
felt pain that extended from his lower
abdomen into his groin. "From what I'd
heard in the gym, it sounded like a hernia."
He began experiencing chronic pain
in his groin area with a small palpable
lump. "I went to see a doctor and after
he examined me, he told me I hadn't actually ruptured
anything, but to avoid heavy lifting until the symptoms
went away. The symptoms persisted for almost a month
before I tried Hawthornia." He used the formula (then as
a powder) three times daily. "I remember the first time I
used Hawthornia, it cured my hernia symptoms within
three days and I could resume squatting."
* Last name withheld for patient privacy.