This is a crude red sour grape powder devoid of chemical processing, the freshest grape extract available. This sun dried formula full of photonic energy, is full of Resveratrol, malic acid, tantaric acid, vitamin C and the minerals chromium and potassium. The whole grape- skin, seed, and sour pulp is used. Let slowly dissolve under the tongue for maximum potency or in your favorite beverage.
Directions: As a dietary supplement to support blood sugar health and circulation, take 1/2 teaspoon twice daily on an empty stomach or with meals. Also, hold 1/2 teaspoon under the tongue until flavor dissolves. Add to food or beverages liberally.
Serving per container 40
Vitamin C 5 mg 7 DV
Proprietary blend 3000 mg
Red sour grape powder
Potassium 43 mg
Chromium 42 mcg 35 DV