Natural Cures for Killer Germs—Dr. Cass Ingram
Killer germs are already here. You are probably already infected. You may have experienced the nasty symptoms. Now you can know exactly how to reverse it, naturally. Plus, learn the warning signs of killer germ infections and how you can avoid becoming a victim.
Through Dr. Cass Ingram’s Natural Cures for Killer Germs learn the most powerful natural cures for reversing dozens of conditions, including sudden infections from epidemic-like germs and chronic illnesses. Learn also the most potent natural cures for reversing colds, flu, sinus disorders, diarrhea, TB, hemorrhagic fever, Lyme, hepatitis, blood poisoning, staph infection, candidiasis, West Nile, systemic fungus, an vaccine reactions. Plus, learn the never before-told risks for Mad Cow and Alzheimer’s as well as the risks from modern vaccines. Discover how potent spice extracts, such as Oreganol P73 and the multiple spice capsule Oregacyn P73, can kill virtually any germ in seconds. Learn how to immunize yourself against infection, regardless of the cause. Kill deadly bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses in minutes.