Prevagen Professional Strength 40mg Help You Brain Cell Protection for a Healthier Brain, Clearer Thinking,and Sharper Mind.
Prevagen Professional Strength is a patent-pending dietary supplement designed to fight aging. Prevagen is the only dietary supplement to use the age-fighting proteins contained within the jellyfish.
Prevagen Professional contains twice the apoaequorin (active ingredient in Prevagen) than regular strength Prevagen to provide even more calcium-binding proteins to help fight the age-related challenges of poor memory, clouded thinking, lost energy, and depressed mood. Prevagen Professional aims to restore natural healthy function of intracellular calcium regulation by replenishing lost calcium-binding proteins with apoaequorin, a natural calcium-binding protein from a rare species of jellyfish. Apoaequorin's DNA structure bears an amazingly similar resemblance to our own endogenous calcium-binding proteins and therefore is readily accepted by human cells.
Prevagen laboratories are located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and in the University Research Park in Madison, Wisconsin. In scientific studies Prevagen reduces cell death by up to 50%. You can Fight Aging!! Replenish age-fighting proteins with Prevagen.
What is Prevagen?
We have proteins in our brain that are responsible for keeping the cells alive that control learning and memory, clear thinking and concentration*. These proteins deplete with age. Prevagen is the only all-natural option to replace these proteins. In scientific studies, Prevagen protects cells by up to 50%*. Protect brain cells with Prevagen*.
What will Prevagen do for my brain?
Our brain is our most important organ in our body and is composed of hundreds of billions of cells. As we grow older our brain cells begin to decrease at a rapid rate. We may lose 30,000 to 50,000 a day. These cells control nearly everything we do, including our ability to learn, retain memories, think and concentrate.
The jellyfish connection...
Scientists at the University of Wisconsin � Milwaukee made a significant breakthrough identifying a calcium -binding protein (CaBP) called aequorin that can help with a healthier brain, sharper mind and clearer thinking*. In a strange twist, this protein was discovered in one of the simplest organisms on the earth, the jellyfish.
The Aequorea Victoria jellyfish is found primarily in the Pacific Ocean. This particular jellyfish is loaded with calcium-binding proteins called aequorin. Aequorin is very similar to the age-fighting proteins humans lose as we age.
Calcium-binding proteins are found naturally throughout the body. They bind with excess calcium in our cells and keep it from rising to toxic levels. This is known to lead to cell damage and even cell death. At around age 40, these vital Calcium-binding proteins start to decrease and you begin to lose your memory*. That why you tend to forget names, or where you left your car keys or glasses. And you just can concentrate like you did when you were younger.
Prevagen is the first and only all-natural supplement from jellyfish and is designed to replenish age-fighting proteins lost over time. In breakthrough scientific research Prevagen was able to protect cells. Studies show a reduction in cell death by up to 50% when treated with Prevagen.
Ingredients:1 cap contains
aequorin 40mg
Other:White rice flour, sodium chloride, EDTA, acetic acid, TRIS uffer and magnesium strearate.
Suggested Usage:
Take 1 capsule daily in the morning, with or without food or as directed by your healthcare professional.CONTAINS NO COMMON ALLERGEN