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Phenocane by Oxy Life Inc.

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Phenocane, 120 Capsules

Regular Retail: $58.80
Our low price: $41.98, 2 for $80.98, 4 for $157.98

Brand: Oxy Life Inc.
Item #: OXY019008
UPC: 697983019008
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Formulated by Dr. Kurt W. Donsbach.

Phenocane is a dietary supplement enhances the body's natural defense mechanisms against inflammation and pain.
Phenocane Benefits:

  • Pain Relief
  • Chronic back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Old sports injuries

Additional Information About Pain and Phenocane

CURCUMIN is so well known in the herbal and nutritional field it needs no introduction. The internet will provide you with hundreds of excellent studies that have delineated the wonders of this herb. In one double blind study, curcumin matched cortisone as a pain and anti-inflama-tory. The curcuminoid that we isolated is the best COX2 inhibitor that we know exists - and it is without side effects!

CURCUMINOIDS are subparticles which make up curcumin. Curcumin has several of these curcuminoids and we have isolated one which is very specific for COX2 inhibition. The concentration follows this formula: Curcumin is derived from the herb turmeric. It requires a reduction of 60 parts of turmeric to get one part of curcumin. We then take 20 parts of curcumin and reduce it to one part of my special curcuminoid, which is the most active ingredient in this formula, although we do have some "regular" curcumin in the formula also.

BOSWELLIA is another fairly well known herb with COX2 inhibition properties which, while no-where near as powerful as the curcuminoid, works in a slightly different fashion to reduce COX2 enzyme, thus creating a synergistic effect.

DLPA is a common amino acid (dl phenlyalanine) which has the ability to help the body maintain higher levels of serotonin, the brain's "feel good" hormone. Physicians have written books about the many qualities of DLPA in helping mood elevation and reducing pain in general.

Nattokinase is an enzyme isolated from the vegetable cheese Natto; a typical and popular soybean food in the Japanese diet. Nattokinase has been found to have blood clot dissolving abilities.

If you are tired of everyday pain, then the above formula known as PHENOCANE may be the answer you have been looking for.

Suggested Use:
Adults: Take 1 capsule every morning and every evening, or as directed by your health professional. If pain persists, take 2 capsules every 8 hrs. Not to exceed more than 6 capsules per day.

Ingredients:One capsule contains:
Curcumin 250mg , dl Phenylalanine 75mg , Boswellia 175mg , Nattokinase 2.5mg

Other Ingredients:
Magnesium Sterate, Gelatin Capsule.


OxyLife Phenocane Cox-2 Inhibitor with Curcumin, Boswellia, Nattokinase, and dl Phenylalanine 60 Caps

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