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Saw Palmetto (Serona Repens) has been discovered by scientist to prevent the conversion of testosterone to dihydortestosterone which helps to prevent the development of prostate disease.
Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement, 102 ml (approximately 28-56 drops) three times a day.
Saw Palmetto Low Alcohol Ingredients:
Holistically Balanced Fluid Extract (1:1) of Wildcrafted Saw Palmetto Berry in a base of Triple Filtered Water,
Coconut Glycerin,
Certified Organic Alcohol... 12-15%
Additional Information about Saw Palmetto:
Saw palmetto (Seronoa repens) A hexane extract of the berries has been shown to have
antiandrogenic properties through a direct action on the estrogen receptors and by inhibiting the enzyme testosterone-5-alph-reductase. Subcutaneously administered extracts were strongly estrogenic in mice. Furthermore, saw palmetto extract has been shown to prevent the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) as well as to inhibit DHT binding to cellular and nuclear receptor sites, thereby increasing the metabolism and excretion of DHT.
A double-blind placebo-controlled study evaluated the hormonal effects of saw palmetto extract given to men with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) for 3 months prior to operation. The study found that saw palmetto displayed an estrogenic and antiprogesterone effect as determined by estrogen and progesterone receptor activity. (by The Herb Growing & Marketing Network)