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Elderol by NAHS

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Elderol, 2 fl. oz.

Elderberry Extract with Aronia Berry

Regular Retail: $29.99
Our low price: $23.99, 2 for $40.99

Brand: North American Herb & Spice
Item #: NAHS005506
UPC: 635824005506

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Elderol by North American Herb and Spice is the only raw, wild, purple elderberry extracts available. Elderol is also fortified with aronia berry, making it a top source of powerful antioxidants. The berries are handpicked from the most remote regions of North America. Elderol is a cold-pressed extract of wild, raw purple elderberry. Since Elderol is raw, it is rich in natural enzymes, plus the pigments are unaltered, as are the naturally occurring vitamins. Elderol is a top source of the antioxidants known as anthocyanins.

Directions: Take 20 or more drops of this potent extract under the tongue as often as needed. For maintenance take 5 to 10 drops daily. May also be added to water, juice or milk.

Ingredients: Proprietary blend of Raw, wild, purple elderberry extract and Aronia Berry Extract along with multiple spice formula.


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