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Pines Wheat Grass by Pines

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Pines Wheat Grass

Pines Wheat Grass, Organic, 250 Tablets/500 mg

The Original Green Superfood

Regular Retail: $20.09
Our low price: $18.00, 2 for $35.00, 4 for $68.00

Brand: Pines
Item #: PIN00025
UPC: 043952000025
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Pines International's Pines Wheat Grass is a food with such a naturally high concentration of nutrients that just seven tablets are equal to a large serving of a deep green leafy vegetable. It's a naturally balanced source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, dietary fiber, chlorophyll, and carotenoids. It is nitrogen-packed in an amber glass bottle to ensure freshness.*

Pines Wheat Grass- It’s real, it’s natural, and it’s certified organic — a whole food that’s been harvested at the absolute peak of its nutritional value. Think of it as concentrated "solar energy," or simply as an off-the-shelf source of the very best that greens have to offer. Either way, it’s good nutrition made simple: the vitamins and minerals your body needs, in the form your body was designed to use — without all of the additives and artificial ingredients you’ve been hoping to avoid!*

Allergen Info
Pines International's Pines Wheat Grass IS gluten-free. As you probably know, wheat allergies are usually a reaction to the gluten found in the wheat berry. PINES Wheat Grass is a vegetable, harvested before the wheat plant forms the grain (berry), and it is after during the transition from vegetable to grain that gluten begins to form.

Wheatgrass Research- Charles Schnabel and other scientists began studying wheatgrass in 1932. they determined the best climate, location, soils and stage of growth for highest nutritional density. They developed equipment to dry the wheatgrass at low temperatures. Pines follows these growing, harvesting, drying and packaging standards established by Dr. Schnabel.

Pines Wheat Grass is gown in the same kind of glacial soils that produced the most nutritious wheatgrass in the Schnabel research. The grass matures slowly, outdoors, during cold months. Freezing nighttime temperatures and cold days convert months of full sunlight into nutritional density, while the plant remains a short grass. Tablets contain 98% wheatgrass.

Suggested Use: Take 7 tablets with water or juice for a serving of a deep green leafy vegetable.

Ingredients: Organic wheat grass, silica, organic rice extract.

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