Blood Pressure Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To maintain normal blood pressure and to strengthen the heart. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Sugar Controller Herb Tea by Health King, with White Mulberry Leaf, 20 tea bags
For maintaining normal blood sugar and blood fat level, urine sugar level and facilitating easy bowel movement. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Cholesterol Guard Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To disperse stagnant blood, soften and dilate blood vessels, to maintain healthy cholesterol level and normal blood pressure. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Astragalus Immunity Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To help maintain normal functions of the liver, lung, kidney, stomach and heart, to boost energy, defer aging, detoxify, etc., to bolster white blood cells growth, support the immune systems, and to promote the effect of other herbs > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Detoxer Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
Traditional Chinese medicine uses these herbs to remove toxins from environmental pollution.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Diet Master Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
Traditional Chinese medicine uses it to purge fat, ease bowel movement and clean the colon, etc. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Jointflexer Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To maintain normal joint functions, to improve blood circulation in the limbs, and promote natural healing. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Easy-Going & Colon Clean Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To moisten and cleanse intestines and to facilitate easy bowel movement. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Chrysanthemum Vascuflow Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
It is a nerve energizer, detoxifier and blood vessel softener in Chinese medicine to maintain healthy cholesterol level, normal blood pressure, improve blood flow. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Hair Regeneration Herb Tea by Health King, 20 bags
Hair Regeneration Herb Tea maintains healthy hair growth and to fend off premature grey hair.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
GastroEase Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To fortify the digestive system, remove food stagnation and accumulation, regulate acidity, etc. It may help calm the stomach and alleviate other conditions. Astragalus is used to enhance immunity and energy.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
AllergEase Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To regulate the immune system, especially in allergy conditions and to remove wind-heat. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99
Antioxidant Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To boost the body's defense, to facilitate better blood circulation and remove stagnancy and toxins, and dissolve accumulated mass. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99
BeautyMate Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
For good skin texture through regulating internal functions. It is considered very effective in regulating cycles and improving blood circulation, and maintaining clear complexion. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Blood Tonifier & Circulator Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To tonify the blood and facilitate blood circulation and defense. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Booze Remedy Herb Tea by Health King, 20 Tea bags
Made of precious herbs,Booze Remedy Herb Tea is based upon an ancient famous formula to deal with heavy drinking and hangovers. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99
Clear Eye Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To nurture the eye and pacify the nervous system, protect retina, and improve eyesight. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Cough-Off Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
Traditional Chinese medicine uses them as expectorant to moisten and clear the lung and upper respiratory ducts and maintain healthy lung and bronchial functions.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Digest Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To help digestion, disperse liver heat and food stagnancy, and help maintain healthy cholesterol level. It is also a heart tonic. It tastes wonderful for ice tea.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Dong Quai Lady's Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To regulate female hormone, cycles, alleviate cramps and mid-life hot flashes, to prevent hair loss, and to maintain youthfulness. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Eleuthero Vascutone Herb Tea by Health King, (Siberian Gingseng), 20 tea bags
To support the immune system, improve memory, endurance, vitality, and to balance hormone levels in male and female. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99
FemaleJoy Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
Chinese medicine uses them as female sexual enhancers promoting secretion of female hormone and increasing sexual response and sensitivity. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Ginger Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To remove toxins, warm the stomach, maintain good health, especially in changing weather conditions, and to prevent seasickness. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Ginkgo Biloba Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To improve cerebral vascular flow and oxygenation, and to enhance memory, mental clarity and alertness. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Goji Tea by Health King, 20 Tea bags
Health King Goji Tea is good for immunity supporting, digestion promoting, stagnation dispersing, kidney nurturing. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.98
Golden Voice Herb Tea by Health King, 20 Tea bags
Golden Voice Herb Tea is made of high quality herbs to maintain clear and healthy voice and strong respiratory system. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Green Tea by Health King by Health King, 20 tea bags
Made of tender leaves of high quality green tea. Chinese green tea provides polyphenols, catechin, flavonoid, vitamin C, etc. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Head & Throat Soother Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To remove heat and maintain normal nasal and respiratory functions. It is an ideal drink for cold and flu season. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
HeadachEase Herb Tea by Health King, 20 Tea bags
Based on a proven ancient formula, HeadachEase Herb Tea is made of high quality herbs to deal with headache, migraine. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Heart Fortifier Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To invigorate blood supply and circulation, nurture the blood and maintain normal heart functions.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
ItchEase Herb Tea by Health King, 20 Tea Bags
ItchEase Herb Tea is made of high quality herbs, has irritability relieving properties to maintain healthy skin.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Kidney Fortifier Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
Traditional Chinese medicine uses them as diuretic and to maintain healthy kidney functions.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Lung Pacifier Herb Tea by Health King, 20 Tea bags
Based upon a proven ancient formula, Lung Pacifier Herb Tea is made of high quality herbs to maintain expiratory health.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Mammary & Uterus Care Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To nourish the Yin, maintain normal breast structure and consistency, remove stagnancy and heat, and to maintain healthy mammary and uterus functions.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99
Manhood Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To enhance energy and support the immune system and considers broomrape an elixir for sexual functions. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Midlife Rejuvenating Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To promote new cell growth, tonify kidney yang, maintain cholesterol level and slow down the aging process. It is an ideal drink for midlife changes.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Panax Ginseng Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
Use it for general debility, fatigue, for "pacifying the nerve system and nourishing the brain" and for immunity support, energy, mental power, alertness and health maintenance of good health.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
President's (Super Energy) Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
For normal cardiovascular, urological, neurological and sexual functions and for general immunity, longevity and sharp brain power, etc. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Prostate Health Herb Tea by Health King, 20 Tea bags
Prostate Health Herb Tea has blood circulation promoting, stagnation dispersing, vitality restoring properties to maintain healthy prostate functions.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Quality Sleep Herb Tea by Health King, Sweet Dream Tea, 20 tea bags
Designed as a supplement to maintain calm and mental equilibrium, and to soothe the nerve system and for better sleep quality. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Reishi Liver Guard Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
For liver related conditions. Excellent tonic for liver and lung, vitality and immunity support.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Relaxant Herb Tea by Health King, 20 Tea bags
Relaxant Herb Tea is made of high quality herbs to deal with restlessness and irritability and to maintain pleasant and relaxed mood.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
St. John's Wort Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
Tonify the nervous system, ease anxiety and depression, support the immune system and help maintain normal functions of the stomach, kidney, liver and heart, thus ideal for general well-being and vitality.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99
Stamina Herb Tea by Health King, w/ Rhodiola Rosea and Panax Ginseng, 20 tea bags
Traditional Chinese medicine uses them to replenish energy, enhance stamina and help relax.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Stopsmoking Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
To clear respiratory ducts, stop coughing, and to correct addictive behavior. It is a detoxifier and system cleanser. > read more...

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96
Sweet Breath Herb Tea by Health King, 20 tea bags
Traditional Chinese medicine uses it to remove breath odor, refresh the mouth and enhance mental alertness.

Regular Retail: $7.49
Our low price: $6.99, 4 for $27.96